Via Ugo Garoglio 16 - Frazione San Maurizio
15030 - Conzano - Alessandria - Italy
C.F. / P.Iva: 01833250069
Tel: (+39) 0142/925518 (technical dept.) (commercial dept.) (administration dept.)
Sirio Srl © 2023 - Powered by Logos Engineering​
Who we are
SIRIO Srl is a company founded in 1999 operating both nationally and internationally.
The activity carried out by SIRIO technicians falls within the scope of:
following a combination of past experiences and willingness to develop and deepen specific topics that allow to reach higher levels of knowledge and proposition of solutions.
The fields of application are industry, especially the chemical industry, and related activities (infrastructures, transport of dangerous substances), i.e. where the presence of substances or processes can constitute a potential danger and therefore requires an identification of the methods for developing the impacts (major accidents, atmospheric, water and soil pollution), associated with an assessment of the suitability and effectiveness of the process-control, prevention and mitigation systems envisaged.
In particular, the activity is aimed at following the introduction of a new production plant (or its revamping), providing the necessary assistance for the definition of the impacts and the identification of preventive and/or mitigating measures from the outset of the design, so that the preparation of the documents needed to apply for the authorizations (safety report, environmental compatibility study, technical report for emissions into the atmosphere, project compliance report for fire protection purposes, etc.) constitutes the last stage of the work and the results illustrated in these documents should not come as a surprise.
Our Team
Name | Qualification | Activity |
Mara BORTELLI | Dr. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry(Master of Science degree) | Risk analysis, training |
Fabrizio BOSSO | Chemical Engineer(Master of Science degree) | Risk analysis, fire protection, functional safety and SIL studies |
Gianni CLERICI | Chemical Engineer(Master of Science degree) | Risk analysis, SMS audits, fire protection, training |
Sarah DALL'OLMO | Commercial Expert | Administration |
Alessandro MANERA | Chemical Engineer(Master of Science degree) | Risk analysis, ATEX studies |
Ilaria OLIARO | Chemical Engineer(Master of Science degree) | Risk analysis, studies for design of F&G detection systems |
Luisa PASINO | Dr. of Chemistry(Master of Science degree) | Environmental impact studies, training |
Enrico PORTIGLIATTI | Chemical Engineer(Master of Science degree) | Risk analysis, SMS audits, fire protection, training |
Manuela ZORZI | Chemical Expert | Consequence modelling, fire prevention |